Check out the video in the link to see the first player ratings. Lets just say they were a little off with some of the ratings and positional starters for Michigan.
NCAA 2012 Player Ratings
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Michigan Depth Chart: 2011 vs 2012
2011 Offense vs 2012 Offense
1. #16 Denard Robinson JR - #16 Denard Robinson SR
2. #7 Devin Gardner SO - #7 Devin Gardner JR
3. #3 Russell Bellomy FR - #3 Russell Bellomy SO
-Breakdown: No change, just experience gained.
1. #33 Stephen Hopkins SO - #33 Stephen Hopkins JR
2. #15 Michael Cox RS JR - #15 Michael Cox RS SR
3. #28 Fitzgerald Toussaint RS SO - #28 Fitzgerald Toussaint RS JR*
4. #20 Michael Shaw SR - #20 Brionte Dunn FR
5. #38 Thomas Rawls FR - #38 Thomas Rawls SO
6. #2 Vincent Smith JR - #2 Vincent Smith SR
7. #49 FB John McColgan RS SR - #48 FB Joey Kerridge
-Breakdown: Only Shaw will be graduating, and possible incoming FR Dunn could really make a push for a good amount of carries. Toussaint could be a transfer candidate.
WR X (#1 guy):
1. #21 Junior Hemingway RS SR - #17 Jeremy Jackson JR
2. #22 Daryl Stonum SR - #87 Dwayne Stanford FR
3. #17 Jeremy Jackson SO - #80 Ricardo Miller RS SO
-Breakdown: Im guessing Stonum will be let back on the team for the 2011 season, but in 2012 we will be losing two of our best receivers in Hemingway and Stonum to graduation. Incoming Freshmen could make a big impact here.
WR Z (Speed/Deep threat)
1. #12 Roy Roundtree RS JR - #12 Roy Roundtree RS SR
2. #6 Je'Ron Stokes JR - #6 Je'Ron Stokes SR
3. #19 Kelvin Grady RS SR - #83 Jerald Robinson RS SO
-Breakdown: Not much of a change besides Kelvin Grady graduating, but look for the 3 players in each year to have big impacts.
WR Y (Slot)
1. #9 Martavious Odoms SR - #26 Drew Dileo JR*
2. #26 Drew Dileo SO - #5 Justice Hayes SO
3. #5 Justice Hayes FR - #10 Jeremy Gallon RS JR*
-Breakdown: This position could but replaced after/during the 2011 season since we are turning back into a pro style offense, but I think we have good slot players like Odoms. Smaller Rich Rod-esk players like Gallon, Dileo and T-Rob will all be on transfer watch.
1. #86 Kevin Koger SR - #88 Brandon Moore RS SR
2. #88 Brandon Moore RS JR - #82 Chris Barnett SO
3. #82 Chris Barnett FR - #86 Devin Funchess FR
4. #81 Steve Watson RS SR - #89 AJ Williams FR
-Breakdown: After a possible huge year by Koger, we will lose him to graduation. But we have a great infusion of talent coming in and a good player to replace him in Moore.
1. LT #77 Taylor Lewan RS SO - LT #77 Taylor Lewan RS JR
2. RT #72 Mark Huyge RS SR - RT #75 Michael Schofield RS JR
3. #75 Michael Schofield RS SO - #67 Kyle Kalis FR
4. #57 Elliot Mealer RS JR - #57 Elliot Mealer RS SR
5. #69 Eric Gunderson RS SO - #76 Jordan Diamond FR
6. #70 Kristian Mateus RS FR - #74 Erik Magnusson FR
-Breakdown: Huyge will be graduating and a ton of great freshmen will be coming in 2012. This could be a great position for the Wolverines now and in the future.
1. LG #56 Ricky Barnum RS JR - LG #56 Ricky Barnum RS SR
2. C #50 David Molk RS SR - C #50 Rocko Khoury RS SR
3. RG #65 Patrick Omameh RS JR - RG #65 Patrick Omameh RS SR
4. #63 Rocko Khoury RS JR - #58 Chris Bryant SO
5. #58 Chris Bryant FR - #79 Tony Posada SO
6. #79 Tony Posada FR - #64 Christian Pace RS SO
7. #64 Christian Pace RS FR - #68 Blake Bars FR
8. #56 Tony Burzynski RS FR - #71 Caleb Stacey FR
-Breakdown: O-Line leader Molk will be graduating, but with another year of teaming up, Barnum and Omameh could both be All-Big Ten members.
2011 3-4 Defense vs 2012 3-4 Defense
DE: (Top 2 start in 4-3)
1. #53 Ryan Van Bergen RS SR - #55 Jabreel Black JR
2. #55 Jabreel Black SO - #97 Brennen Beyer SO
3. #97 Brennen Beyer FR - #90 Aldophus Washington FR
4. #92 Keith Heitzman FR - #56 Tom Strobel FR
5. #94 Jordan Paskorz RS FR - #97 Pharaoh Brown FR
6. #95 Chris Rock FR - #92 Keith Heitzman SO
-Breakdown: With team leader and captain Ryan Van Bergen graduating, and the addition of a great DE recruiting class, 2012 could see a bunch of the DE's interchanging and making an impact.
1. #73 Will Campbell JR - #73 Will Campbell SR
2. #76 Quintin Washington RS SO - #76 Quintin Washington RS JR
3. #54 Richard Ash RS FR - #99 Ondre Pipkins FR
4. #39 Will Heininger RS SR - #54 Richard Ash RS SO
-Breakdown: The same players will return and possibly with the addition of Ondre Pipkins who could compete for playing time right away.
1. #68 Mike Martin SR - #68 Danny O'Brien FR
2. #96 Terry Talbott RS FR - #53 Chris Wormley FR
3. #41 Kenny Wilkins RS FR - #96 Terry Talbott RS SO
4. #93 Chris Eddins RS FR - #62 Matt Godin FR
-Breakdown: Best defensive player, Mike Martin will be graduating, but hopefully Chris Wormley can put on some weight and become a dominant DT in the mold of Richard Seymour, also FR Danny O'Brien will join this class and make a big impact under Greg Mattison. Wilkins is on transfer watch.
OLB: (top 2 start)
1. #88 Craig Roh JR - #88 Craig Roh SR
2. #4 Cameron Gordan RS SO - #4 Cameron Gordan RS JR
3. #27 Mike Jones RS JR - #27 Mike Jones RS JR
4. #57 Frank Clark FR - #40 Antonio Poole SO
5. #40 Antonio Poole FR - #57 Frank Clark SO
6. #7 Brandon Hawthorne JR* - #58 Mario Ojemudia FR
7. #58 Brandon Herron RS SR - #51 Kaleb Ringer FR
-Breakdown: A great 2011 and 2012 recruiting class will infuse great talent at OLB, especially to rush the QB and cover TE's and RB's. Hawthorne is on transfer watch.
ILB: (top 2 start)
1. #25 Kenny Demens RS JR - #25 Kenny Demens RS SR
2. #9 Marell Evans RS SR - #52 Kellen Jones SO
3. #37 Jake Ryan RS FR - #37 Jake Ryan RS SO
4. #52 Kellen Jones FR - #10 Royce Jenkins-Stone FR
5. #42 JB Fitzgerald SR - #6 James Ross FR
6. #26 Isaiah Bell RS SO - #44 Desmond Morgan RS FR
7. #44 Desmond Morgan FR - #26 Isaiah Bell RS JR
8. #59 Paul Gyarmati RS JR - #7 Joe Bolden FR
-Breakdown: With everyone but JB Fitzgerald returning, this could be the position for some of the most competition. Demens is a lock, but look for Kellen Jones to take on a big role in 2011 and 2012.
CB: (top 2 start)
1. #29 Troy Woolfolk RS SR - #12 JT Floyd RS SR
2. #12 JT Floyd RS JR - #5 Courtney Avery JR
3. #5 Courtney Avery SO - #18 Blake Countess SO
4. #18 Blake Countess FR - #2 Terry Richardson FR
5. #17 Tony Anderson RS SR - #35 Greg Brown SO
6. #35 Greg Brown FR - #21 Raymon Taylor SO
7. #21 Raymon Taylor FR - #22 Terrence Talbott JR
8. #22 Terrence Talbott SO - #24 Delonte Hollowell RS FR
9. #24 Delonte Hollowell FR - #26 Anthony Standifer FR
-Breakdown: Woolfolk and Floyd will bring some much needed skill and talent to the secondary, and in 2012 we will have a good amount of talent coming in and returning, especially under great coaching.
S: (top 2 start)
1. FS #13 Carvin Johnson SO - FS #13 Carvin Johnson JR
2. SS #32 Jordan Kovacs RS JR - SS #3 Marvin Robinson JR
3. #3 Marvin Robinson SO - #32 Jordan Kovacs RS SR
4. #6 Josh Furman RS FR - #6 Josh Furman RS SO
5. #15 Thomas Gordan RS SO - #22 Jarrod Wilson FR
6. #23 Floyd Simmons RS JR - #15 Thomas Gordan RS JR
7. #20 Tamani Carter FR - #23 Floyd Simmons RS SR
8. #7 Brandon Hawthorne JR - #14 Allen Gant FR
9. #31 Jared Van Slyke RS SR - #20 Tamani Carter RS FR
Breakdown: A very deep position in 2011, we have great talent and physical skill, but I see Kovacs holding down the SS position since he has the experience. But I think talent and speed will overcome him in 2012 with a freak athlete and big hitter, Marvin Robinson or even Josh Furman taking over the position.
1.KR: #9 Martavious Odoms SR - KR: #5 Justice Hayes FR
2.PR: #21 Junior Hemingway RS SR - PR: #83 Jerald Robinson
3. #22 Daryl Stonum SR - #2 Terry Richardson FR
4. #5 Justice Hayes FR - #26 Drew Dileo JR
-Breakdown: This is a bit of a challenge after 2011 since both return men will be graduating. But I expect young gun Justice Hayes to contribute and the smaller slot guys like Jeremy Gallon and Dileo, if they dont transfer, to compete for a spot.
1. K #45 Matt Wile FR - K #45 Matt Wile SO
2. P #43 Will Hagerup SO - P #43 Will Hagerup JR
3. KO #34 Brendan Gibbons SO - KO #34 Brendan Gibbons JR
-Breakdown: This part of the team has been an absolute mess the past years, besides Hagerup. I expect the FR Wile to come in and take over the spot right away and Gibbons to learn to kick a ball again as the kick off man.
1. #16 Denard Robinson JR - #16 Denard Robinson SR
2. #7 Devin Gardner SO - #7 Devin Gardner JR
3. #3 Russell Bellomy FR - #3 Russell Bellomy SO
-Breakdown: No change, just experience gained.
1. #33 Stephen Hopkins SO - #33 Stephen Hopkins JR
2. #15 Michael Cox RS JR - #15 Michael Cox RS SR
3. #28 Fitzgerald Toussaint RS SO - #28 Fitzgerald Toussaint RS JR*
4. #20 Michael Shaw SR - #20 Brionte Dunn FR
5. #38 Thomas Rawls FR - #38 Thomas Rawls SO
6. #2 Vincent Smith JR - #2 Vincent Smith SR
7. #49 FB John McColgan RS SR - #48 FB Joey Kerridge
-Breakdown: Only Shaw will be graduating, and possible incoming FR Dunn could really make a push for a good amount of carries. Toussaint could be a transfer candidate.
WR X (#1 guy):
1. #21 Junior Hemingway RS SR - #17 Jeremy Jackson JR
2. #22 Daryl Stonum SR - #87 Dwayne Stanford FR
3. #17 Jeremy Jackson SO - #80 Ricardo Miller RS SO
-Breakdown: Im guessing Stonum will be let back on the team for the 2011 season, but in 2012 we will be losing two of our best receivers in Hemingway and Stonum to graduation. Incoming Freshmen could make a big impact here.
WR Z (Speed/Deep threat)
1. #12 Roy Roundtree RS JR - #12 Roy Roundtree RS SR
2. #6 Je'Ron Stokes JR - #6 Je'Ron Stokes SR
3. #19 Kelvin Grady RS SR - #83 Jerald Robinson RS SO
-Breakdown: Not much of a change besides Kelvin Grady graduating, but look for the 3 players in each year to have big impacts.
WR Y (Slot)
1. #9 Martavious Odoms SR - #26 Drew Dileo JR*
2. #26 Drew Dileo SO - #5 Justice Hayes SO
3. #5 Justice Hayes FR - #10 Jeremy Gallon RS JR*
-Breakdown: This position could but replaced after/during the 2011 season since we are turning back into a pro style offense, but I think we have good slot players like Odoms. Smaller Rich Rod-esk players like Gallon, Dileo and T-Rob will all be on transfer watch.
1. #86 Kevin Koger SR - #88 Brandon Moore RS SR
2. #88 Brandon Moore RS JR - #82 Chris Barnett SO
3. #82 Chris Barnett FR - #86 Devin Funchess FR
4. #81 Steve Watson RS SR - #89 AJ Williams FR
-Breakdown: After a possible huge year by Koger, we will lose him to graduation. But we have a great infusion of talent coming in and a good player to replace him in Moore.
1. LT #77 Taylor Lewan RS SO - LT #77 Taylor Lewan RS JR
2. RT #72 Mark Huyge RS SR - RT #75 Michael Schofield RS JR
3. #75 Michael Schofield RS SO - #67 Kyle Kalis FR
4. #57 Elliot Mealer RS JR - #57 Elliot Mealer RS SR
5. #69 Eric Gunderson RS SO - #76 Jordan Diamond FR
6. #70 Kristian Mateus RS FR - #74 Erik Magnusson FR
-Breakdown: Huyge will be graduating and a ton of great freshmen will be coming in 2012. This could be a great position for the Wolverines now and in the future.
1. LG #56 Ricky Barnum RS JR - LG #56 Ricky Barnum RS SR
2. C #50 David Molk RS SR - C #50 Rocko Khoury RS SR
3. RG #65 Patrick Omameh RS JR - RG #65 Patrick Omameh RS SR
4. #63 Rocko Khoury RS JR - #58 Chris Bryant SO
5. #58 Chris Bryant FR - #79 Tony Posada SO
6. #79 Tony Posada FR - #64 Christian Pace RS SO
7. #64 Christian Pace RS FR - #68 Blake Bars FR
8. #56 Tony Burzynski RS FR - #71 Caleb Stacey FR
-Breakdown: O-Line leader Molk will be graduating, but with another year of teaming up, Barnum and Omameh could both be All-Big Ten members.
2011 3-4 Defense vs 2012 3-4 Defense
DE: (Top 2 start in 4-3)
1. #53 Ryan Van Bergen RS SR - #55 Jabreel Black JR
2. #55 Jabreel Black SO - #97 Brennen Beyer SO
3. #97 Brennen Beyer FR - #90 Aldophus Washington FR
4. #92 Keith Heitzman FR - #56 Tom Strobel FR
5. #94 Jordan Paskorz RS FR - #97 Pharaoh Brown FR
6. #95 Chris Rock FR - #92 Keith Heitzman SO
-Breakdown: With team leader and captain Ryan Van Bergen graduating, and the addition of a great DE recruiting class, 2012 could see a bunch of the DE's interchanging and making an impact.
1. #73 Will Campbell JR - #73 Will Campbell SR
2. #76 Quintin Washington RS SO - #76 Quintin Washington RS JR
3. #54 Richard Ash RS FR - #99 Ondre Pipkins FR
4. #39 Will Heininger RS SR - #54 Richard Ash RS SO
-Breakdown: The same players will return and possibly with the addition of Ondre Pipkins who could compete for playing time right away.
1. #68 Mike Martin SR - #68 Danny O'Brien FR
2. #96 Terry Talbott RS FR - #53 Chris Wormley FR
3. #41 Kenny Wilkins RS FR - #96 Terry Talbott RS SO
4. #93 Chris Eddins RS FR - #62 Matt Godin FR
-Breakdown: Best defensive player, Mike Martin will be graduating, but hopefully Chris Wormley can put on some weight and become a dominant DT in the mold of Richard Seymour, also FR Danny O'Brien will join this class and make a big impact under Greg Mattison. Wilkins is on transfer watch.
OLB: (top 2 start)
1. #88 Craig Roh JR - #88 Craig Roh SR
2. #4 Cameron Gordan RS SO - #4 Cameron Gordan RS JR
3. #27 Mike Jones RS JR - #27 Mike Jones RS JR
4. #57 Frank Clark FR - #40 Antonio Poole SO
5. #40 Antonio Poole FR - #57 Frank Clark SO
6. #7 Brandon Hawthorne JR* - #58 Mario Ojemudia FR
7. #58 Brandon Herron RS SR - #51 Kaleb Ringer FR
-Breakdown: A great 2011 and 2012 recruiting class will infuse great talent at OLB, especially to rush the QB and cover TE's and RB's. Hawthorne is on transfer watch.
ILB: (top 2 start)
1. #25 Kenny Demens RS JR - #25 Kenny Demens RS SR
2. #9 Marell Evans RS SR - #52 Kellen Jones SO
3. #37 Jake Ryan RS FR - #37 Jake Ryan RS SO
4. #52 Kellen Jones FR - #10 Royce Jenkins-Stone FR
5. #42 JB Fitzgerald SR - #6 James Ross FR
6. #26 Isaiah Bell RS SO - #44 Desmond Morgan RS FR
7. #44 Desmond Morgan FR - #26 Isaiah Bell RS JR
8. #59 Paul Gyarmati RS JR - #7 Joe Bolden FR
-Breakdown: With everyone but JB Fitzgerald returning, this could be the position for some of the most competition. Demens is a lock, but look for Kellen Jones to take on a big role in 2011 and 2012.
CB: (top 2 start)
1. #29 Troy Woolfolk RS SR - #12 JT Floyd RS SR
2. #12 JT Floyd RS JR - #5 Courtney Avery JR
3. #5 Courtney Avery SO - #18 Blake Countess SO
4. #18 Blake Countess FR - #2 Terry Richardson FR
5. #17 Tony Anderson RS SR - #35 Greg Brown SO
6. #35 Greg Brown FR - #21 Raymon Taylor SO
7. #21 Raymon Taylor FR - #22 Terrence Talbott JR
8. #22 Terrence Talbott SO - #24 Delonte Hollowell RS FR
9. #24 Delonte Hollowell FR - #26 Anthony Standifer FR
-Breakdown: Woolfolk and Floyd will bring some much needed skill and talent to the secondary, and in 2012 we will have a good amount of talent coming in and returning, especially under great coaching.
S: (top 2 start)
1. FS #13 Carvin Johnson SO - FS #13 Carvin Johnson JR
2. SS #32 Jordan Kovacs RS JR - SS #3 Marvin Robinson JR
3. #3 Marvin Robinson SO - #32 Jordan Kovacs RS SR
4. #6 Josh Furman RS FR - #6 Josh Furman RS SO
5. #15 Thomas Gordan RS SO - #22 Jarrod Wilson FR
6. #23 Floyd Simmons RS JR - #15 Thomas Gordan RS JR
7. #20 Tamani Carter FR - #23 Floyd Simmons RS SR
8. #7 Brandon Hawthorne JR - #14 Allen Gant FR
9. #31 Jared Van Slyke RS SR - #20 Tamani Carter RS FR
Breakdown: A very deep position in 2011, we have great talent and physical skill, but I see Kovacs holding down the SS position since he has the experience. But I think talent and speed will overcome him in 2012 with a freak athlete and big hitter, Marvin Robinson or even Josh Furman taking over the position.
1.KR: #9 Martavious Odoms SR - KR: #5 Justice Hayes FR
2.PR: #21 Junior Hemingway RS SR - PR: #83 Jerald Robinson
3. #22 Daryl Stonum SR - #2 Terry Richardson FR
4. #5 Justice Hayes FR - #26 Drew Dileo JR
-Breakdown: This is a bit of a challenge after 2011 since both return men will be graduating. But I expect young gun Justice Hayes to contribute and the smaller slot guys like Jeremy Gallon and Dileo, if they dont transfer, to compete for a spot.
1. K #45 Matt Wile FR - K #45 Matt Wile SO
2. P #43 Will Hagerup SO - P #43 Will Hagerup JR
3. KO #34 Brendan Gibbons SO - KO #34 Brendan Gibbons JR
-Breakdown: This part of the team has been an absolute mess the past years, besides Hagerup. I expect the FR Wile to come in and take over the spot right away and Gibbons to learn to kick a ball again as the kick off man.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Incoming Freshmen Jersey Numbers
3 Russell Bellomy, QB
5 Justice Hayes, RB/SR/KR/PR
18 Blake Countess, CB
20 Tamani Carter, S/DB
21 Raymon Taylor, CB
24 Delonte Holowell, CB
35 Greg Brown, CB/S
38 Thomas Rawls, RB
40 Antonio Poole, LB
44 Desmond Morgan, LB
45 Matt Wile, K
52 Kellen Jones, LB
57 Frank Clark, LB
58 Chris Bryant, OG
79 Tony Posada, OT/OG
82 Chris Barnett, TE
92 Keith Heitzman, DE
95 Chris Rock, DE
97 Brennen Beyer, DE
?? Jack Miller OG/OC
5 Justice Hayes, RB/SR/KR/PR
18 Blake Countess, CB
20 Tamani Carter, S/DB
21 Raymon Taylor, CB
24 Delonte Holowell, CB
35 Greg Brown, CB/S
38 Thomas Rawls, RB
40 Antonio Poole, LB
44 Desmond Morgan, LB
45 Matt Wile, K
52 Kellen Jones, LB
57 Frank Clark, LB
58 Chris Bryant, OG
79 Tony Posada, OT/OG
82 Chris Barnett, TE
92 Keith Heitzman, DE
95 Chris Rock, DE
97 Brennen Beyer, DE
?? Jack Miller OG/OC
Red Wings are about to make some moves
Well just like the rumors said, the salary cap has jumped up nearly $5 million and the cap for 2011-12 will be $64.3!
This is incredible because now, According to, the Red Wings will have $16.2 million to spend! (What!?) This could possibly be the first time we have an off season similar to the pre-cap era. Now what are we going to do with it? Well there are a ton of different things the Wings and Kenny Holland can do, here are a few I think could really help the Wings hoist the cup in 2012:
My choice: Zach Parise at $5.75 million/year. I think he would bring another scoring/playmaking threat to the Wings for years to come, plus New Jersey has financial problems after that ridiculous signing of Kovalchuk, so maybe they won't match a offer at nearly $6 million a season. (Parise Highlights)
So heres to wishing and dreaming this or something similar to this happens around July 1st:
If you're wondering about what we're gonna do after this season with Niklas Kronwall and Brad Stuart, since they will both be UFA, and Darren Helm and Justin Abdlekader becoming RFA, the Wings will have a bunch of other money coming off of the books, including Tomas Holmstrom, Jiri Hudler, and Todd Bertuzzi. Kenny Holland will be able to get Stuart back for about the same deal and Kronwall will get a good bump up around $5+ million a deal as the #1 defensemen of the future.
This is incredible because now, According to, the Red Wings will have $16.2 million to spend! (What!?) This could possibly be the first time we have an off season similar to the pre-cap era. Now what are we going to do with it? Well there are a ton of different things the Wings and Kenny Holland can do, here are a few I think could really help the Wings hoist the cup in 2012:
- Re-sign DEF Jonathon Ericsson to a 3 year/ $2 million
- Sign DEF James Wisniewski to a 4 year/ $4.25 million
- Sign G Ray Emery to a 2 year/$1 million
- Re-sign FWD Patrick Eaves to a 3 year/ $1 million
- Re-sign FWD Drew Miller to a 2 year/ $750,000
- Sign FWD Jaromir Jagr to a 1 year/$1.5 million deal
- Break tradition, Offer TB RFA Steven Stamkos a $6.75 million/year deal (Super dream scenario, not happening)
- Sign FWD Brad Richards to a 5 year/$6.25 million, could maybe take a smaller amount to be a Wing, just like Hossa and many others.
- Break tradition, Offer either RFA D-men Zach Bogosian or RFA Drew Doughty a $5-6 million/year to pry them away from their teams (giving up first round picks is no big deal to the Wings).
- Break tradition, Offer either RFA Zach Parise or RFA Andrew Ladd a $5.5 million/year
Zach Parise |
My choice: Zach Parise at $5.75 million/year. I think he would bring another scoring/playmaking threat to the Wings for years to come, plus New Jersey has financial problems after that ridiculous signing of Kovalchuk, so maybe they won't match a offer at nearly $6 million a season. (Parise Highlights)
So heres to wishing and dreaming this or something similar to this happens around July 1st:
- Re-sign DEF Jonathon Ericsson, 3 year/$6 million deal ($2 mill/year)
- Re-sign FWD Patrick Eaves, 3 year/$3 million deal ($1mill/year
- Re-sign FWD Drew Miller, 2 year/$1.5 million deal ($750,000/year)
- Sign DEF James Wisniewski, 4 year/$17 million deal ($4.25 mill/year)
- Sign G Ray Emery, 2 year/$2 million deal ($1mill/year)
- Sign FWD Zach Parise, 5 year/$28.75 million deal ($5.75 mill/year)
If you're wondering about what we're gonna do after this season with Niklas Kronwall and Brad Stuart, since they will both be UFA, and Darren Helm and Justin Abdlekader becoming RFA, the Wings will have a bunch of other money coming off of the books, including Tomas Holmstrom, Jiri Hudler, and Todd Bertuzzi. Kenny Holland will be able to get Stuart back for about the same deal and Kronwall will get a good bump up around $5+ million a deal as the #1 defensemen of the future.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
New Michigan Man!: 4 Star OT Blake Bars
And the commitment train keeps on chugging along as the Wolverines have added highly touted and highly recruited 4 star OT Blake Bars!
This is a great pick up for Michigan, especially since he was offered by big name programs like LSU, Penn State, Florida and many more. I think this will also be a big pick up because other players like Kyle Kalis, Andrus Peat, and Jordan Diamond may need to speed up their announcement dates to get into this amazing recruiting class Brady Hoke has going. This also makes 17 commits for this class and Bars is the 3rd offensive tackle and 4th offensive lineman. I could see both Diamond and Kalis also join this class to bring the total up to 5 OT's and 6 offensive lineman.
Blake Bars Highlights
Big dog #67 in red. |
Blake Bars Highlights
Friday, June 24, 2011
New Michigan Man!: '12/'13 FS Jeremy Clark
This morning I just found out that KY FS Jeremy Clark has committed to Michigan!
This is different though, because Clark has agreed to come in as a gray shirt recruit. What is that you may ask, I don't know but here is the description from Recruiting 101:
This is a great pickup for the Wolverines, because this kid is on the up and up in the recruiting fields, he recently grew 4 inches so a lot of scouts have not seen that size so that is why he is not ranked as high. But after great showings at the OSU and Michigan camps, expect him to go up a star or two.Clark has the size to put on good weight and muscle, and he has the ball skills to really impact this team in the long run.
The whole thing is hanging on FS Jarrod Wilson, says Clark. He said that if Wilson commits to Michigan in the upcoming days, the he will take the gray shirt and count against the 2013 class, but if Wilson commits elsewhere then Clark will be apart of the 2012 class.
Jeremy Clark highlights.
This is different though, because Clark has agreed to come in as a gray shirt recruit. What is that you may ask, I don't know but here is the description from Recruiting 101:
Got that? Basically gray shirting lets Jeremy Clark come to Michigan, pay his own way for a semester in 2012 and then be a red shirt freshmen in spring 2013.
"If you decided to grayshirt, what you would do that first semester would be go to a local Junior College and attend classes. The reason you may go to a JC near home is to save money over another, more expensive school. What you would have to do is make sure that you are not taking a full load. If a full load of classes is considering 12 class hours, you would just need to make sure you are taking less than that. As a grayshirt, you would not get to practice with the team, workout with the team, or even eat at team meals. During the first semester, you are not a part of the team.
The reason that you cannot do that stuff is because you want your full time status to start during the second semester. Instead of just being thrown into the wolves during the summer, you can participate in spring practice, get used to classes, and then possibly be able to play in the fall."
This is a great pickup for the Wolverines, because this kid is on the up and up in the recruiting fields, he recently grew 4 inches so a lot of scouts have not seen that size so that is why he is not ranked as high. But after great showings at the OSU and Michigan camps, expect him to go up a star or two.Clark has the size to put on good weight and muscle, and he has the ball skills to really impact this team in the long run.
The whole thing is hanging on FS Jarrod Wilson, says Clark. He said that if Wilson commits to Michigan in the upcoming days, the he will take the gray shirt and count against the 2013 class, but if Wilson commits elsewhere then Clark will be apart of the 2012 class.
Jeremy Clark highlights.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
2011 Detroit Pistons Draft
With the #8 pick in the NBA draft the Detroit Pistons selected Kentucky Freshmen PG Brandon Knight!
Draft Express Scouting Report: Projecting Knight to the next level, the diversity of his scoring and shot-creating ability allows him to be more effective off the ball than many combo guards, which could be a key in his minutes early in his career, as it's unlikely a coach is going to hand the reigns of an offensive over to him at this time until he garners more experience and improves his decision making.
I expect Knight to come in and make a difference immediately, that means starting at point guard from day one. This kid will be a Star for the 'Stones.
With the #33 pick in the NBA draft the Detroit Pistons selected Duke Senior SF Kyle Singler!
Draft Express Scouting Report: The fact that Singler has been a role-player essentially throughout his college career, doing so on a competitive and winning team throughout, will play in his favor, though. He is not the type of player who will need to make a huge transition in his style of play to make an impact. Furthermore, he's ready to contribute immediately, as he's a mature player both physically and mentally, who has been coached by one of the most respected men in basketball over the past four years. These things, along with his strong intangibles, could all look very attractive to a good team drafting in the second half of the first round looking for a solid piece to add to their rotation.
Singler is another swing man for the Pistons, but I think he will fill that void that Tayshaun will leave when free agency hits. He can hit the three, he will compete, and he will be that Detroit type of a player that the Pistons need. Bench / Role player for the 'Stones.
With the 52nd pick in the NBA draft the Detroit Pistons selected Florida Senior PF Vernon Macklin!
Draft Express Scouting Report: Looking forward, Macklin did himself a great service by having his best offensive performance in the final game of his career when the most NBA scouts were watching, but his advanced age of 24 combined with his modest production and skill set could put him at a disadvantage in this draft. That said, his learning curve and physical tools could lead someone to take a chance on him, and big bodies with a pulse will always get multiple opportunities to catch on in the NBA in the long term.
Macklin has the ability to be a very good role player for the Pistons, he has the ability to score inside and has the size (6'10'', 240lbs) to be a force on the defensive end. Look for him to really contribute in his rookie season next to Greg Monroe. Solid, key bench big man.
Yes you Brandon. |
Draft Express Scouting Report: Projecting Knight to the next level, the diversity of his scoring and shot-creating ability allows him to be more effective off the ball than many combo guards, which could be a key in his minutes early in his career, as it's unlikely a coach is going to hand the reigns of an offensive over to him at this time until he garners more experience and improves his decision making.
I expect Knight to come in and make a difference immediately, that means starting at point guard from day one. This kid will be a Star for the 'Stones.
With the #33 pick in the NBA draft the Detroit Pistons selected Duke Senior SF Kyle Singler!
Kyle Singler. |
Draft Express Scouting Report: The fact that Singler has been a role-player essentially throughout his college career, doing so on a competitive and winning team throughout, will play in his favor, though. He is not the type of player who will need to make a huge transition in his style of play to make an impact. Furthermore, he's ready to contribute immediately, as he's a mature player both physically and mentally, who has been coached by one of the most respected men in basketball over the past four years. These things, along with his strong intangibles, could all look very attractive to a good team drafting in the second half of the first round looking for a solid piece to add to their rotation.
Singler is another swing man for the Pistons, but I think he will fill that void that Tayshaun will leave when free agency hits. He can hit the three, he will compete, and he will be that Detroit type of a player that the Pistons need. Bench / Role player for the 'Stones.
With the 52nd pick in the NBA draft the Detroit Pistons selected Florida Senior PF Vernon Macklin!
Vernon Macklin |
Draft Express Scouting Report: Looking forward, Macklin did himself a great service by having his best offensive performance in the final game of his career when the most NBA scouts were watching, but his advanced age of 24 combined with his modest production and skill set could put him at a disadvantage in this draft. That said, his learning curve and physical tools could lead someone to take a chance on him, and big bodies with a pulse will always get multiple opportunities to catch on in the NBA in the long term.
Macklin has the ability to be a very good role player for the Pistons, he has the ability to score inside and has the size (6'10'', 240lbs) to be a force on the defensive end. Look for him to really contribute in his rookie season next to Greg Monroe. Solid, key bench big man.
Odds to be the final 10 commitments
With the Michigan coaching staff recruiting for 26 players and 16 players already committed to the 2012 class, I have put together my odds on who will be the final 10 player to commit to the class. Notice I did not put a QB in this class because of the lack of interest and lack of offers, also because of the commitment of 2013 QB Shane Morris. I think a QB will walk on similar to how WR Bo Dever has decided to do so.
1. RB Brionte Dunn, 5 Star, Canton, OH (O$U Commit) - With all of the problems happening at O$U and the very good chance that they will have a bowl ban, plus the rumor from a nearby source, there is a 99% chance Dunn will de-commit from O$U. So what are his chances that he joins the Michigan 2012 class? I would say very, very good, especially since he has visited Ann Arbor already, Michigan has a need for a #1 power running back and his cousin, 2013 S/RB and Michigan lean Dymonte Thomas, has said that he has been told where Dunn wants to play but will not announce it. Also the two have said how they would love to play together in college.
Chances he goes Blue: 75%
2.OT Kyle Kalis, 5 Star, Lakewood,OH (O$U De-Commit) - The man has seen the light. At one point, Kalis was one of the biggest buckeye lovers but now because of Tat-gate or whatever they want to call it, Kalis has de-committed from the evil empire and is visiting Michigan this weekend with his friend and big time prospect Chris Wormley. A decision could come this weekend.
Chances he goes Blue: 95%
3. DE Chris Wormley, 4 Star, Toledo,OH (Uncommitted) - From day one, it has been Michigan or O$U, but with all of the problems hitting the suckeyes, it has helped push Wormley even more towards Ann Arbor. I really do not think this thing is up in the air, it should even be done this weekend. Im GUARAN-SHEEDING this one.
Chances he goes Blue: 100%
4. OT Andrus Peat, 5 Star, Tempe, AZ (Uncommitted) - After a very successful visit, one of the best offensive tackles and best players in the nation is taking his time and visiting a ton of the top programs in the nation. Im not crazy enough to think he will for sure go blue, but the chance is definitely there. By the time he makes his decision its possible there will not be any spots for him, unless he wants to be a Wolverine, in that case I could see Brady "finding" another spot.
Chances he goes Blue: 25%
5. OT Jordan Diamond, 5 Star, Chicago, IL (Uncommitted) - Since his teammate, 2011 OL Chris Bryant, committed to Michigan's last recruiting class, Diamond has been a Michigan lean. I actually thought that he would have committed by now, especially with how many times he has visited Ann Arbor. I think if Kalis commits this weekend, Diamond will be making a decision much sooner.
Chances he goes Blue: 95%
6. DT Ondre Pipkins, 4 Star, Kansas City, MO (Uncommitted) - An absolute beast, that has been dominating every camp he goes too. Pipkins is originally from Saginaw and grew up a Michigan fan. If you follow him on Twitter, it seems like its going to be Michigan all the way. This would be a huge loss if we don't land him.
Chances he goes Blue: 85%
7. DT Danny O'Brien, 4 Star, Flint, MI (Uncommitted) - For a long time O'Brien had Tennessee as his leader, but during a visit to Michigan this past weekend, he said that he did not have a leader anymore and he was receiving the full court press by the Michigan coaching staff. This happened even harder because of his dominating performance at the camp. I think he will fit perfectly in Mattison's defense, but he may want to get out of Michigan.
Chances he goes Blue: 60%
8. DE Aldophus Washington, 5 Star, Cincinnati, OH (Uncommitted) - A freak athlete, and one of the best defense ends in Ohio and in the entire country. Washington was considered a lock to go to O$U, but once again, thanks to all the problems, Michigan is now considered the leader by a couple recruiting analysts. The best thing for Michigan is that he wants to go to school with his teammate, 4 star WR Dwayne Stanford, and he is a big Blue fan.
Chances he goes Blue: 70%
9. WR Dwayne Stanford, 4 Star, Cincinnati, OH (Uncommitted) - Stanford looks just like a "Michigan Star Receiver" is supposed to look like. He is a big receiver that can go up and get the ball, and is a game changer. His favorite player is Michigan Alum Braylon Edwards and expressed his interest in going to Michigan. I like the chances here. Would be higher, but I don't think Aldophus is as high on Michigan as he is.
Chances he goes Blue: 75%
10. WR Aaron Burbridge, 4 Star, Farmington Hills, MI (Uncommitted) - Coming into this recruiting year, everyone thought Burbridge would be going to MSU, but after his visit to Michigan it looks and seems like he may have Michigan as his leader. The big thing that is separating him from joining this class are his grades, so if he gets those up then I expect him to join this class, especially since we need WR's in this class.
Chances he goes Blue: 75%
11. FS Jarrod Wilson, 4 Star, Akron, OH (Uncommitted) - A play making safety that can come in and compete for a starting spot immediately. Wilson is down to Michigan, ND and PSU. Michigan has a great shot here especially because of the need at the position.
Darius Morris to the Lakers
Congratulations to Michigan PG Darius Morris, going to the LA Lakers.
Thats a great pick up for the Lakers and for Morris, because he is from LA, is a 2nd round pick and goes to a team that is in need of a play making point guard very badly.
Thats a great pick up for the Lakers and for Morris, because he is from LA, is a 2nd round pick and goes to a team that is in need of a play making point guard very badly.
Welcome to Detroit: Brandon Knight!
Just a quick blog update. The Pistons just pulled off a huge steal and very similar to Nick Fairley falling to the Lions, Kentucky's star point guard Brandon Knight was picked by the Pistons at the #8 spot (he was projected to go #3 overall).
More on this later.
Michigan Man! (Walk-On Edition): Bo Dever
Today Illinois WR Bo Dever, son of former defensive lineman Dave Dever has committed to the University of Michigan's class of 2012. But this is different, he is not a scholarship player, he has accepted a walk-on role.
This is huge because the kid can play, he is a perfect fit for a pro-style offense slot receiver, no more 5'6'' 130lb slot receivers getting murdered over the middle. Bo is 6'2'' 190lbs, and is a prototypical slot receiver, he seperates and finds space, and has great hands. Dever said that this was a dream of his to play at Michigan, so as soon as they offered him to walk-on to the team, he could not turn it down.
Oh and another thing, his name, Bo, is from none other than Michigans legendary coach, Bo Schembechler, that has to count for something.
Bo Dever Video Highlights
This is huge because the kid can play, he is a perfect fit for a pro-style offense slot receiver, no more 5'6'' 130lb slot receivers getting murdered over the middle. Bo is 6'2'' 190lbs, and is a prototypical slot receiver, he seperates and finds space, and has great hands. Dever said that this was a dream of his to play at Michigan, so as soon as they offered him to walk-on to the team, he could not turn it down.
Oh and another thing, his name, Bo, is from none other than Michigans legendary coach, Bo Schembechler, that has to count for something.
Bo Dever Video Highlights
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Lidstrom wins #7!!
Moments ago, Detroit Red Wings captain, Nicklas Lidstrom won his 7th Norris Trophy, for the best defensemen in the NHL. This is a incredible feat, especially since he was the first defensemen to do so with a negative plus minus rating since 97-98 and the fact that the man is 40(!!!) years old. The 7th Norris trophy ties Lids with Montreal great Doug Harvey and one shy of arguably the greatest defensemen ever, Bobby Orr.
Lets just be grateful that he is returning for another season and hopefully another Norris trophy.
Might as well let him keep the trophy |
Lions the favorite for Asomugha?
Yep, it very well may be true.'s analyst and former Dallas GM, Gil Brandt is reporting that the Detroit Lions,Yes the same Detroit Lions that no one wanted to play for 2 years ago, are one of the three front runners to sign free agent, All-Pro corner back Nnamdi Asomugha, along with Philly and Houston.
Now every one knows that Nnamdi is gonna get a ton of money from whoever he signs with, but with Mr. Ford not getting any older and Ford Motor Co. doing so well as of late, I feel like this is the time for him to spend the extra coin and bring in one of the best corners in all of football. Also with the addition of Nick Fairley, the Lions defensive line or "Silver Crush" is going to dominate the quarterback (most likely) even more than last year. So that, mixed with the fact that we need a #1 corner desperately and have the money to spend, makes Detroit a very good destination for Nnamdi or any other top flight FA corner.
So heres to the Lions, hopefully, going out and reeling in the biggest free agent fish of them all, Nnamdi Asomugha.
Would look good in Honolulu Blue and Silver |
Now every one knows that Nnamdi is gonna get a ton of money from whoever he signs with, but with Mr. Ford not getting any older and Ford Motor Co. doing so well as of late, I feel like this is the time for him to spend the extra coin and bring in one of the best corners in all of football. Also with the addition of Nick Fairley, the Lions defensive line or "Silver Crush" is going to dominate the quarterback (most likely) even more than last year. So that, mixed with the fact that we need a #1 corner desperately and have the money to spend, makes Detroit a very good destination for Nnamdi or any other top flight FA corner.
So heres to the Lions, hopefully, going out and reeling in the biggest free agent fish of them all, Nnamdi Asomugha.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New Best Guess Recruiting Class
Just click on the tab above. A couple big changes after rumors and updates this week.
5 star OT de-commits from O$U
Today, 5 star offensive tackle Kyle Kalis has officially de-committed from the buckeyes and will be visiting Michigan this weekend! This is huge news, not only is this amazing because he has left the suckeyes in the dust, but it is only a rumor but he may now favor Michigan.
From Scout:
Basically Kalis is a mean mean player, and has the size to come in and compete for a spot right away. Most likely will be a right tackle in college and the NFL, I could maybe even see him sliding inside if necessary, but those both are positions of need for the Wolverines. If Hoke and the staff can bring in Kalis, a 5 star offensive tackle, they should also bring in 5 star offensive tackle Jordan Diamond, and possibly, maybe, hopefully it could sway 5 star offensive tackle Andrus Peat. Also if we land Kalis, he could be a huge recruiter for the top players in the country just like 2013'er Shane Morris.
Also, there will be a change to the Best Guess Recruiting Class.
Check out his video highlights here.
From Scout:
"Kalis is a tough, strong lineman who dominates consistently. He plays the game hard and is an excellent run blocker and drive blocker. He plays with good leverage and finishes his blocks strong. He shows the ability to pull and lead, and is coordinated and athletic in the open field. He has good feet all around, which is also evident in pass pro. If there's a knock, it's that he may not be long enough for left tackle".
Kyle Kalis, OT, St. Edward HS (Ohio) |
Also, there will be a change to the Best Guess Recruiting Class.
Check out his video highlights here.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Rumor Central
So rumor has it that Michigan and Brady Hoke will be picking up a Big commitment tomorrow.
On MgoBlog, TomVH (The main person to know for Michigan recruiting info) mentioned:
MI DT Danny O'Brien will be at Michigan's camp tomorrow
-Another rumor has it that he does not have Tennessee and his leader any more
MI TE Ron Thompson will be at Michigan tomorrow.
-He has been a huge Michigan lean for the longest time, and could finally be pulling the trigger on a commitment before the class is full.
On MgoBlog, TomVH (The main person to know for Michigan recruiting info) mentioned:
MI DT Danny O'Brien will be at Michigan's camp tomorrow
-Another rumor has it that he does not have Tennessee and his leader any more
MI TE Ron Thompson will be at Michigan tomorrow.
-He has been a huge Michigan lean for the longest time, and could finally be pulling the trigger on a commitment before the class is full.
OH FB/RB Alden Hill has been told to call the Michigan coaches on Wednesday, this probably means a offer will be given after a great showing at the Michigan camp.
-Who knows, he could commit on the spot. That could be two commitments in two days for the maize and blue. On the other hand, the coaches could be asking Hill to try and walk on as a FB, so they can leave the door open for a stud prospect like Brionte Dunn.
Updated: OH DE Chris Wormley will be on campus this weekend. Could be time for a commitment finally.
-Who knows, he could commit on the spot. That could be two commitments in two days for the maize and blue. On the other hand, the coaches could be asking Hill to try and walk on as a FB, so they can leave the door open for a stud prospect like Brionte Dunn.
Updated: OH DE Chris Wormley will be on campus this weekend. Could be time for a commitment finally.
Lidstrom returns for his 20th NHL season
Its official, Nicklas Lidstrom has agreed with the Detroit Red Wings on a 1 year contract worth $6.2 million.
This is great news, especially after Rafalski decided to hang up the skates. Lids is easily one of the top 3 defensemen to ever play the game, maybe even THE greatest, because of his strong 2 way play and his amazing longevity. The most amazing thing about Lidstrom is the fact that at age 40, the guy is still the best defensemen in the entire world, proving it as a finalist and in my eyes, the favorite to win another Norris trophy for the leagues top defensemen.
Now I guessed that he would come back for a less amount, but that didn't happen and that shouldn't be too big of a deal because the cap is supposed to go up and with Raffy retiring, theres the extra money to pick up a defensemen or two. (cough....Wisniewski....cough)
This is great news, especially after Rafalski decided to hang up the skates. Lids is easily one of the top 3 defensemen to ever play the game, maybe even THE greatest, because of his strong 2 way play and his amazing longevity. The most amazing thing about Lidstrom is the fact that at age 40, the guy is still the best defensemen in the entire world, proving it as a finalist and in my eyes, the favorite to win another Norris trophy for the leagues top defensemen.
Now I guessed that he would come back for a less amount, but that didn't happen and that shouldn't be too big of a deal because the cap is supposed to go up and with Raffy retiring, theres the extra money to pick up a defensemen or two. (cough....Wisniewski....cough)
June 20th Best Guess Recruiting Class
With a big weekend for recruits, I have come up with my BGRC. Some moves are a big hope but with how Michigan has been going so far this year, anyone that comes to Ann Arbor has a chance to end up in this class.
QB: 3* Austin Appleby, 6'5'' 225lbs. North Canton, OH. (Hoover HS)
- Not yet offered, but should be after his camp at Michigan. Has the prototypical size for a QB, and the athletic ability any coach would love. Appleby highlights.
RB: 5* Brionte Dunn, 6'1'' 215lbs. Canton, OH. (GlenOak HS)
- Offered and is a OSU recruit, but with all the problems, there is a great chance that after they get hit with a ton of penalties, he will decommit. Plus his cousin (2013 RB Dymonte Thomas) is said to have Michigan as his leader right now. Dunn highlights.
WR: 4* Dwayne Stanford, 6'4'' 195lbs. Cincinnati, OH. (Taft HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Stanford is a tall and lanky wide out with the frame to put on size, his favorite player is Michigan Alum Braylon Edwards, his close friends with Michigan commit AJ Williams, and being best friends, teammates, and hopeful future teammates with 5* DE Aldolphus Washington, he is even more of a target and need. Stanford highlights.
WR: 4* Aaron Burbridge, 6'1'' 180lbs. Farmington Hills, MI. (Harrison HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. One of the best players in Michigan and in the country, he is teammates with 2 of the Michigan commits in this class (Mario Ojemudia and Devin Funchess). His grades are a concern, but if he gets them up, he is too good of a prospect to not take, even if we already have a WR in the class. Burbridge highlights.
TE: 4* Devin Funchess, 6'4'' 205lbs. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS)
- COMMITTED. Big, Playmaking tight end who has the ability to be another superstar player in the Al Borges pro style offense. Funchess highlights.
TE/OT: 3* AJ Williams, 6'6'' 260lbs. Cincinnati, OH. (Sycamore HS)
- COMMITTED. A huge blocking tight end, who will most likely be moved to offensive tackle. If not, then he will be brought in mainly on running plays and plays which need a lot of protection.
OT: 5* Andrus Peat, 6'7'' 305lbs. Tempe, AZ. (Corona Del Sol HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. After a visit this past weekend, Peat himself talked and tweeted about how amazing Michigan was and will be tough to beat. Now im more hopeful than anything, but this would be an amazing pickup for the program. Could be the next great Michigan O-lineman. Peat highlights.
OT: 5* Jordan Diamond, 6'6'' 290lbs. Chicago, IL. (Simeon Vocational HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Most recruiting sites believe that Diamond is a heavy Michigan lean, especially with his teammate as a 2011 commit and receiving so much attention from the maize and blue. With him, Magnusson and Peat, Michigan could have a potential All American O-line in 3-4 years. Diamond highlights.
OT: 4* Erik Magnuson, 6'6'' 275lbs. Encinitas, CA (La Costa Canyon HS)
- COMMITTED. This was a huge pickup, Mags is a great offensive tackle prospect and with his size and ability he has the chance to play either right or left tackle. Magnuson highlights.
OT: 3* Ben Braden, 6'7'' 300lbs. Rockford, MI (Rockford HS)
- COMMITTED. More of a project pick up, Braden has the size for Hoke and his staff to try and develop him into a good depth player.
OG: 3* Caleb Stacey, 6'4'' 280. Cincinnati, Ohio (Oak Hills HS)
- COMMITTED. Another good pick up, and the only legitimate interior offensive lineman in this class.
DT: 4* Ondre Pipkins, 6'3'' 320. Kansas City, MO (Park Hill HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. The big nose tackle that Mattison needs to plug in the middle of his D-line and disrupt the entire game and since he was first offered, it has seemed like he has been a Michigan lean. Pipkins highlight.
DT/DE: 3* Matt Godin, 6'6'' 265. Novi, MI (Catholic Central HS)
- COMMITTED. Brought in to be a strongside defensive end, but he has the size and frame to put on the weight and muscle to become a disruptive DT/DE like Van Bergen. Godin highlights.
DE: 4* Chris Wormley, 6'5'' 250. Toledo, Ohio (Whitmer HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. One of the top players in Ohio and easily one of the top prospects to both the Michigan coaching staff and Michigan fan base. Has that "it" factor be a another great Wolverine defensive lineman. Wormley highlights.
DE: 5* Aldophus Washington, 6'6'' 240. Cincinnati, OH. (Taft HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Seemed to be a lock for OSU, but thanks to tatgate, Michigan may be one of the favorites to land the top prospect in Ohio. If Michigan can get the commitment of his teammate and best friend WR Dwayne Stanford, then it should be a near lock to land Aldophus. Washington highlight.
DE: 4* Tom Strobel, 6'6'' 245. Mentor, Ohio (Mentor HS)
- COMMITTED. An amazing pick up, and force to be reckoned with. Strobel will be a great player under Mattison and Hoke. Strobel highlights.
DE: 3* Pharaoh Brown, 6'6'' 220. Lyndhurst, Ohio (Brush HS)
- COMMITTED. A project defensive end that will need to red shirt and add weight, but he could be a great rush/speed player to get after the QB. Brown highlights.
OLB: 4* Mario Ojemudia, 6'2'' 220. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS)
-COMMITTED. A perfect outside rush linebacker for Mattison to work with if he does in fact use a mix of the 34 defense along with the 43 defense. He reminds me of Baltimore LB Sergio Kindle. Ojemudia highlights.
OLB: 4* Kaleb Ringer, 6'1'' 225. Clayton, Ohio (Northmont HS)
-COMMITTED. Another great linebacker that has the size to be a tackling machine in college, especially with the coaching of Hoke and Company. Ringer highlights.
LB: 4* Joe Bolden, 6'3'' 230. Cincinnati, Ohio (Colerain HS)
-COMMITTED. Bolden is a instinctive field general that could be the leader and coach on the field. Plus he has the tools to be a great linebacker. Bolden highlights.
LB: 4* James Ross, 6'1'' 215. Orchard Lake, MI (St. Marys HS)
-COMMITTED. One of the best linebackers in the country and top players in the state of Michigan, which was why he was an even bigger get for the Wolverines. Could be a absolute stud and superstar. Ross highlights.
LB: 4* Royce Jenkins-Stone, 6'2'' 215. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS)
-COMMITTED. Has that ability and instincts to be a first round NFL draftee, and really leave his legacy at Michigan as one of the best linebackers to wear the winged helmet. RJS highlights.
CB: 4* Terry Richardson, 5'10'' 165. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS)
-COMMITTED. Another member of the fab freshmen class, T-Rich has the playmaking ability to change the outcome of any game. Richardson highlights.
CB: 3* Anthony Standifer, 6'1'' 180. Crete, IL (Crete-Monee HS)
-COMMITTED. Standifer has the chance to be a stud after most likely a red shirt year, especially with his size, play making ability and closing speed. Standifer highlights.
FS: 4* Jarrod Wilson, 6'2'' 190. Akron, Ohio (Buchtel HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Another play maker in the secondary, Wilson could have the chance to come in right away and compete for a starting job. Wilson highlights.
SS. 3* Allen Gant, 6'2'' 205. Sylvania, Ohio (Southview HS)
-COMMITTED. A legacy Michigan player, his father was a defensive back for the maize and blue and now his son will have a chance to follow in his footsteps. Gant highlights.
QB: 3* Austin Appleby, 6'5'' 225lbs. North Canton, OH. (Hoover HS)
- Not yet offered, but should be after his camp at Michigan. Has the prototypical size for a QB, and the athletic ability any coach would love. Appleby highlights.
RB: 5* Brionte Dunn, 6'1'' 215lbs. Canton, OH. (GlenOak HS)
- Offered and is a OSU recruit, but with all the problems, there is a great chance that after they get hit with a ton of penalties, he will decommit. Plus his cousin (2013 RB Dymonte Thomas) is said to have Michigan as his leader right now. Dunn highlights.
WR: 4* Dwayne Stanford, 6'4'' 195lbs. Cincinnati, OH. (Taft HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Stanford is a tall and lanky wide out with the frame to put on size, his favorite player is Michigan Alum Braylon Edwards, his close friends with Michigan commit AJ Williams, and being best friends, teammates, and hopeful future teammates with 5* DE Aldolphus Washington, he is even more of a target and need. Stanford highlights.
WR: 4* Aaron Burbridge, 6'1'' 180lbs. Farmington Hills, MI. (Harrison HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. One of the best players in Michigan and in the country, he is teammates with 2 of the Michigan commits in this class (Mario Ojemudia and Devin Funchess). His grades are a concern, but if he gets them up, he is too good of a prospect to not take, even if we already have a WR in the class. Burbridge highlights.
TE: 4* Devin Funchess, 6'4'' 205lbs. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS)
- COMMITTED. Big, Playmaking tight end who has the ability to be another superstar player in the Al Borges pro style offense. Funchess highlights.
TE/OT: 3* AJ Williams, 6'6'' 260lbs. Cincinnati, OH. (Sycamore HS)
- COMMITTED. A huge blocking tight end, who will most likely be moved to offensive tackle. If not, then he will be brought in mainly on running plays and plays which need a lot of protection.
OT: 5* Andrus Peat, 6'7'' 305lbs. Tempe, AZ. (Corona Del Sol HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. After a visit this past weekend, Peat himself talked and tweeted about how amazing Michigan was and will be tough to beat. Now im more hopeful than anything, but this would be an amazing pickup for the program. Could be the next great Michigan O-lineman. Peat highlights.
OT: 5* Jordan Diamond, 6'6'' 290lbs. Chicago, IL. (Simeon Vocational HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Most recruiting sites believe that Diamond is a heavy Michigan lean, especially with his teammate as a 2011 commit and receiving so much attention from the maize and blue. With him, Magnusson and Peat, Michigan could have a potential All American O-line in 3-4 years. Diamond highlights.
OT: 4* Erik Magnuson, 6'6'' 275lbs. Encinitas, CA (La Costa Canyon HS)
- COMMITTED. This was a huge pickup, Mags is a great offensive tackle prospect and with his size and ability he has the chance to play either right or left tackle. Magnuson highlights.
OT: 3* Ben Braden, 6'7'' 300lbs. Rockford, MI (Rockford HS)
- COMMITTED. More of a project pick up, Braden has the size for Hoke and his staff to try and develop him into a good depth player.
OG: 3* Caleb Stacey, 6'4'' 280. Cincinnati, Ohio (Oak Hills HS)
- COMMITTED. Another good pick up, and the only legitimate interior offensive lineman in this class.
DT: 4* Ondre Pipkins, 6'3'' 320. Kansas City, MO (Park Hill HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. The big nose tackle that Mattison needs to plug in the middle of his D-line and disrupt the entire game and since he was first offered, it has seemed like he has been a Michigan lean. Pipkins highlight.
DT/DE: 3* Matt Godin, 6'6'' 265. Novi, MI (Catholic Central HS)
- COMMITTED. Brought in to be a strongside defensive end, but he has the size and frame to put on the weight and muscle to become a disruptive DT/DE like Van Bergen. Godin highlights.
DE: 4* Chris Wormley, 6'5'' 250. Toledo, Ohio (Whitmer HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. One of the top players in Ohio and easily one of the top prospects to both the Michigan coaching staff and Michigan fan base. Has that "it" factor be a another great Wolverine defensive lineman. Wormley highlights.
DE: 5* Aldophus Washington, 6'6'' 240. Cincinnati, OH. (Taft HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Seemed to be a lock for OSU, but thanks to tatgate, Michigan may be one of the favorites to land the top prospect in Ohio. If Michigan can get the commitment of his teammate and best friend WR Dwayne Stanford, then it should be a near lock to land Aldophus. Washington highlight.
DE: 4* Tom Strobel, 6'6'' 245. Mentor, Ohio (Mentor HS)
- COMMITTED. An amazing pick up, and force to be reckoned with. Strobel will be a great player under Mattison and Hoke. Strobel highlights.
DE: 3* Pharaoh Brown, 6'6'' 220. Lyndhurst, Ohio (Brush HS)
- COMMITTED. A project defensive end that will need to red shirt and add weight, but he could be a great rush/speed player to get after the QB. Brown highlights.
OLB: 4* Mario Ojemudia, 6'2'' 220. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS)
-COMMITTED. A perfect outside rush linebacker for Mattison to work with if he does in fact use a mix of the 34 defense along with the 43 defense. He reminds me of Baltimore LB Sergio Kindle. Ojemudia highlights.
OLB: 4* Kaleb Ringer, 6'1'' 225. Clayton, Ohio (Northmont HS)
-COMMITTED. Another great linebacker that has the size to be a tackling machine in college, especially with the coaching of Hoke and Company. Ringer highlights.
LB: 4* Joe Bolden, 6'3'' 230. Cincinnati, Ohio (Colerain HS)
-COMMITTED. Bolden is a instinctive field general that could be the leader and coach on the field. Plus he has the tools to be a great linebacker. Bolden highlights.
LB: 4* James Ross, 6'1'' 215. Orchard Lake, MI (St. Marys HS)
-COMMITTED. One of the best linebackers in the country and top players in the state of Michigan, which was why he was an even bigger get for the Wolverines. Could be a absolute stud and superstar. Ross highlights.
LB: 4* Royce Jenkins-Stone, 6'2'' 215. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS)
-COMMITTED. Has that ability and instincts to be a first round NFL draftee, and really leave his legacy at Michigan as one of the best linebackers to wear the winged helmet. RJS highlights.
CB: 4* Terry Richardson, 5'10'' 165. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS)
-COMMITTED. Another member of the fab freshmen class, T-Rich has the playmaking ability to change the outcome of any game. Richardson highlights.
CB: 3* Anthony Standifer, 6'1'' 180. Crete, IL (Crete-Monee HS)
-COMMITTED. Standifer has the chance to be a stud after most likely a red shirt year, especially with his size, play making ability and closing speed. Standifer highlights.
FS: 4* Jarrod Wilson, 6'2'' 190. Akron, Ohio (Buchtel HS)
- Offered and Uncommitted. Another play maker in the secondary, Wilson could have the chance to come in right away and compete for a starting job. Wilson highlights.
SS. 3* Allen Gant, 6'2'' 205. Sylvania, Ohio (Southview HS)
-COMMITTED. A legacy Michigan player, his father was a defensive back for the maize and blue and now his son will have a chance to follow in his footsteps. Gant highlights.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Jagr to Detroit?
So it turns out that Jaromir Jagr wants to come back to the NHL and has expressed his interest in 4 teams, Detroit, Pittsburgh, NY Rangers, and Montreal. The interest includes having his agent contact these teams and Detroit GM Kenny Holland has verified the contact and has reported that the team is interested, especially for the right price.
I think this would be GREAT pick up for the Wings, especially if they can get him to come in for around 2 million next year. The Wings have Rafalski's money coming off the books, on top of the other moves they will do and there are sources that the salary cap could increase by nearly $5 million next season. This move would allow the Wings to add another top 6 scoring threat while having the money to bring in Wisniewski and another puck moving defensemen.
Possible 2011-12 Lines
Jagr - Datsyuk - Holmstrom
Franzen - Zetterberg - Cleary
Bertuzzi - Filppula - Mursak
Abdelkader - Helm - Eaves
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Could make the Euro Triplets |
I think this would be GREAT pick up for the Wings, especially if they can get him to come in for around 2 million next year. The Wings have Rafalski's money coming off the books, on top of the other moves they will do and there are sources that the salary cap could increase by nearly $5 million next season. This move would allow the Wings to add another top 6 scoring threat while having the money to bring in Wisniewski and another puck moving defensemen.
Possible 2011-12 Lines
Jagr - Datsyuk - Holmstrom
Franzen - Zetterberg - Cleary
Bertuzzi - Filppula - Mursak
Abdelkader - Helm - Eaves
Monday, June 13, 2011
Latest Recruiting News
-MO DT Ondre Pipkins has released his top teams, including Michigan. The other teams are Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, Oregon and Florida. Michigan has a great shot here, especially since they've been there the whole time and the fact that Pipkins is originally Saginaw.
-5 Star IN QB Gunner Kiel delayed his decision to announce. Rumor has it that a visit to Michigan may be the reason why he has delayed his decision, but those are just rumors. If it is true, that will be a very good thing since it seems that once Brady Hoke gets the players in Ann Arbor, they have a way to make them want to stay.
-Sam Webb, the czar of Michigan recruiting, has reported that the coaching staff is recruiting for a class of 26 like I mentioned in the "Best Guess Recruiting Class". That is very good news because that means we can bring in 6 DE's (most likely target position). We already have Mario Ojemudia, who is rumored to be moving to outside rush linebacker, Matt Godin, who has the body to bulk up to be a DT, Tom Strobel and Pharaoh Brown. The Wolverines are also in the top teams for 5* Aldophus Washington, *4 Se'von Pittman, and Michigan lean 4* Chris Wormley. That could mean we take all three prospects and turn Godin into the #2 DT in the class.
- 4* PA RB Greg Garmon will be visiting Ann Arbor tomorrow. With basically only Brionte Dunn being the only other running back target, this could be a big visit.
-5* AZ OT Andrus Peat will be visiting Michigan early next week. Another big thing because he is undoubtedly one of the best offensive tackles and players in the country. Hopefully Hoke and Co. can work their magic.
- Speaking of other top recruits, 5* PA DE Noah Spence is still very much interested in the Wolverines, but has just been laying low as of lately. 5* CA DT Aziz Shittu will be making a visit to Ann Arbor in the near future and is a legitimate prospect to be apart of this amazing Michigan recruiting class.
- It turns out the commitment of 4* OT Erik Magnuson was even bigger than bringing in a great player, but could be a great deal because of his connections. According to MGoBlog, Mags will be trying to bring in other big name recruits including DT Aziz Shittu and OT Jordan Diamond, along with his good friend 4* OG Isaac Seumalo, who has said that he wants to go to the same school as Magnuson, but has not been offered by Michigan.
- There was another rumor saying that 4* OH DE Se'von Pittman tried to commit to Michigan this weekend but was denied. Doubtful, thats all I will say about that, mainly because Pittman is a stud and one of the best DE targets in the entire country.
- Also there will be a new Best Guess Recruiting Class out soon.
-5 Star IN QB Gunner Kiel delayed his decision to announce. Rumor has it that a visit to Michigan may be the reason why he has delayed his decision, but those are just rumors. If it is true, that will be a very good thing since it seems that once Brady Hoke gets the players in Ann Arbor, they have a way to make them want to stay.
-Sam Webb, the czar of Michigan recruiting, has reported that the coaching staff is recruiting for a class of 26 like I mentioned in the "Best Guess Recruiting Class". That is very good news because that means we can bring in 6 DE's (most likely target position). We already have Mario Ojemudia, who is rumored to be moving to outside rush linebacker, Matt Godin, who has the body to bulk up to be a DT, Tom Strobel and Pharaoh Brown. The Wolverines are also in the top teams for 5* Aldophus Washington, *4 Se'von Pittman, and Michigan lean 4* Chris Wormley. That could mean we take all three prospects and turn Godin into the #2 DT in the class.
- 4* PA RB Greg Garmon will be visiting Ann Arbor tomorrow. With basically only Brionte Dunn being the only other running back target, this could be a big visit.
-5* AZ OT Andrus Peat will be visiting Michigan early next week. Another big thing because he is undoubtedly one of the best offensive tackles and players in the country. Hopefully Hoke and Co. can work their magic.
- Speaking of other top recruits, 5* PA DE Noah Spence is still very much interested in the Wolverines, but has just been laying low as of lately. 5* CA DT Aziz Shittu will be making a visit to Ann Arbor in the near future and is a legitimate prospect to be apart of this amazing Michigan recruiting class.
- It turns out the commitment of 4* OT Erik Magnuson was even bigger than bringing in a great player, but could be a great deal because of his connections. According to MGoBlog, Mags will be trying to bring in other big name recruits including DT Aziz Shittu and OT Jordan Diamond, along with his good friend 4* OG Isaac Seumalo, who has said that he wants to go to the same school as Magnuson, but has not been offered by Michigan.
- There was another rumor saying that 4* OH DE Se'von Pittman tried to commit to Michigan this weekend but was denied. Doubtful, thats all I will say about that, mainly because Pittman is a stud and one of the best DE targets in the entire country.
- Also there will be a new Best Guess Recruiting Class out soon.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tigers take over 1st place!! Now what?
After the victory tonight, our Detroit Tigers are tied for First place in the AL Central, thanks to hot streaks by Brennan Bosch, Jhonny Peralta and Justin Verlander (just to name a few), and the collapse of the over achieving Indians. But now that we have pulled into first place we need to stay there for the long run. If anyone has followed the Tigers over the past few years, they know that the Tigs always fall apart near the end of the season, whether its bad pitching, injuries, mismanaging or whatever. That is why I think Dave Dombrowski needs to pull off a BIG time move to help this Tiger train keep rolling, along with a couple minor moves to sure up the team.
1st. Get rid of Ryan Raburn. This is actually very simple, he is not very good. That is why, on Monday, when Magglio comes back, I think Dombrowski should designate him for assignment or just release him whatever can be done to get him off of the Tigers.
2nd. Trade for Jose Reyes. Another simple fact, Reyes is one of the best players in the MLB and fills soooo many holes that the Tigers have. Including, a shortstop with range, a consistent left handed bat at the top of the lineup, and someone that can steal tons of bases. Also if you bring him in, we can then move Peralta back to third base where he fills that hole in the line-up.
My trade: Detroit trades P Charlie Furbush, OF Casper Wells and a lower level prospect to NYM for SS Jose Reyes. I feel like this is a good trade because Reyes will be a FA, the Mets are a mess financially, they need some young players to build around, Furbush is pitching very well right now and Wells is a very good defensive player but he seems like he will always be a utility outfielder and we have a ton of those already in the system.
3rd. Sign Jose Reyes to a long term extension. A lot of people may not think the Tigers can afford a player like Reyes but with at least $22 million coming off of the books in Magglio Ordonez and Carlos Guillen, the Tigers have the money to sign him to a nice long term deal to be the Tigers shortstop for a long time.
4th. Move Phil Coke back to the bullpen. Okay, this experiment needs to be over. Coke is a great pitcher, and a perfect personality for Detroit baseball, BUT he is a relief pitcher, not a starter. Coke is his best when coming in around the 6th or 7th and shutting down the team after the starter does his job or comes in early when the starters struggling. Andy Oliver has proven that he has the stuff to excel in the bigs, and I think he would be a much better option at the back end of the rotation. I would say Jacob Turner, but I don't think he will be up for good until next season. Also, this move to put Coke back in the pen saves the Tigers from going out and trading for another relief pitcher to fill Furbush's spot as the long reliever, thats what we in the business call "Three birds, One stone".
5th. Jim Leyland. Period. I put him down because I believe he is the reason this team falls apart at the end of every season, I think he needs to find that happy medium of managing. He seems to either over-manage or under-manage nearly every season and I think if he just keeps doing what he's doing and not letting any of his "man crushes" (Raburn and Inge) get in his way, then the Tigers will be not only winning the AL Central but maybe the entire American League all together.
Detroit Tigers Offensive Line-up:
1st. Get rid of Ryan Raburn. This is actually very simple, he is not very good. That is why, on Monday, when Magglio comes back, I think Dombrowski should designate him for assignment or just release him whatever can be done to get him off of the Tigers.
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Most likely a swing and a miss. |
2nd. Trade for Jose Reyes. Another simple fact, Reyes is one of the best players in the MLB and fills soooo many holes that the Tigers have. Including, a shortstop with range, a consistent left handed bat at the top of the lineup, and someone that can steal tons of bases. Also if you bring him in, we can then move Peralta back to third base where he fills that hole in the line-up.
My trade: Detroit trades P Charlie Furbush, OF Casper Wells and a lower level prospect to NYM for SS Jose Reyes. I feel like this is a good trade because Reyes will be a FA, the Mets are a mess financially, they need some young players to build around, Furbush is pitching very well right now and Wells is a very good defensive player but he seems like he will always be a utility outfielder and we have a ton of those already in the system.
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Jose Reyes |
4th. Move Phil Coke back to the bullpen. Okay, this experiment needs to be over. Coke is a great pitcher, and a perfect personality for Detroit baseball, BUT he is a relief pitcher, not a starter. Coke is his best when coming in around the 6th or 7th and shutting down the team after the starter does his job or comes in early when the starters struggling. Andy Oliver has proven that he has the stuff to excel in the bigs, and I think he would be a much better option at the back end of the rotation. I would say Jacob Turner, but I don't think he will be up for good until next season. Also, this move to put Coke back in the pen saves the Tigers from going out and trading for another relief pitcher to fill Furbush's spot as the long reliever, thats what we in the business call "Three birds, One stone".
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No matter where he pitches, Coke has a great mustache |
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Thats some real "dude love" right there |
- #7 SS Jose Reyes
- #14 CF Austin Jackson
- #26 LF Brennan Boesch
- #24 1B Miguel Cabrera
- #41 DH Victor Martinez
- #30 RF Magglio Ordonez
- #27 3B Jhonny Peralta
- #13 C Alex Avila
- #39 2B Ramon Santiago
- #12 OF Andy Dirks
- #32 UTIL Don Kelly
- #15 UTIL Brandon Inge
- #35 Justin Verlander
- #37 Max Scherzer
- #48 Rick Porcello
- #31 Brad Penny
- #43 Andy Oliver
- #58 Adam Wilk, Lefty
- #55 Daniel Schlereth, Lefty
- #38 David Purcey, Lefty
- #45 Ryan Perry, Righty
- #40 Phil Coke, Lefty, Long relief
- #62 Al Albuquerque, Righty, set up
- #53 Joaquin Benoit, Righty, 8th inning set up
- #46 Jose Valverde, Righty, Closer
Michigan and Notre Dames Legacy Jerseys
Last night, both Michigan and Notre Dame unveiled the jerseys they will be wearing during the first ever night game hosted at the Big House next season. I really like both jerseys, I think they have that old school feel mixed with the latest technology. I especially like the helmets for both teams.
Here is a look at the Michigan Jersey:
Notre Dame's Jersey:
Here is a look at the Michigan Jersey:
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Check out the gloves. Nice. |
Regular home uniform next to D-Rob and the new gear. |
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Notice the gray face masks and the numbers on the helmet |
Like normal, it looks better on D-Rob |
They have green stripes on the shoulders and clovers on the helmets |
Friday, June 10, 2011
June 10th Best Guess Recruiting Class
I bumped the BGRC up to 26 spots after a source close to the team said that could be the target number. The main moves include the addition and commitment of Tom Strobel, commitment of Erik Magnuson, the addition of Gunner Kiel (He cancelled his announcement this weekend, could make the trip to Michigan in the near future), and the switch from DE to OLB for Mario Ojemudia.
QB: 5* Gunner Kiel, 6'4'' 220. Columbus, IN (East HS) - Uncommitted /Offered
RB: 5* Brionte Dunn, 6'1'' 215. Canton, Ohio (GlenOak HS) - OSU Commit / Offered
WR: 4* Dwayne Stanford, 6'4'' 195. Cincinnati, Ohio (Taft HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
TE: 4* Devin Funchess, 6'4'' 205. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS) - COMMITTED
TE/OT: 3* AJ Williams, 6'6'' 260. Cincinnati, Ohio (Sycamore HS) - COMMITTED
OT: 4* Jordan Diamond, 6'6'' 290. Chicago, Ill (Simeon Vocational HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
OT: 4* Erik Magnuson, 6'6'' 275. Encinitas, CA (La Costa Canyon HS) - COMMITTED
OT: 4* Paul Thurston, 6'5'' 260. Arvada, CO (Arvada West HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
OT: 3* Ben Braden, 6'6'' 280. Rockford, MI (Rockford HS) - COMMITTED
OG: 3* Caleb Stacey, 6'4'' 280. Cincinnati, Ohio (Oak Hills HS) - COMMITTED
DT: 4* Ondre Pipkins, 6'3'' 320. Kansas City, MO (Park Hill HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DT: 4* Sheldon Day, 6'2'' 278. Indianapolis, IN (Warren Central HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DT: 3* Matt Godin, 6'6'' 265. Novi, MI (Catholic Central HS) - COMMITTED
DE: 4* Chris Wormley, 6'5'' 250. Toledo, Ohio (Whitmer HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DE: 5* Aldophus Washington, 6'6'' 240. Cincinnati, Ohio (Taft HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DE: 4* Tom Strobel, 6'6'' 245. Mentor, Ohio (Mentor HS) - COMMITTED
DE: 3* Pharaoh Brown, 6'6'' 220. Lyndhurst, Ohio (Brush HS) - COMMITTED
OLB: 4* Mario Ojemudia, 6'2'' 220. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* Joe Bolden, 6'3'' 230. Cincinnati, Ohio (Colerain HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* James Ross, 6'1'' 215. Orchard Lake, MI (St. Marys HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* Royce Jenkins-Stone, 6'2'' 215. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS) - COMMITTED
OLB: 4* Kaleb Ringer, 6'1'' 225. Clayton, Ohio (Northmont HS) - COMMITTED
CB: 4* Terry Richardson, 5'10'' 165. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS) - COMMITTED
CB: 3* Anthony Standifer, 6'1'' 180. Crete, IL (Crete-Monee HS) - COMMITTED
FS: 4* Jarrod Wilson, 6'2'' 190. Akron, Ohio (Buchtel HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
SS: 3* Allen Gant, 6'2'' 205. Sylvania, Ohio (Southview HS) - COMMITTED
QB: 5* Gunner Kiel, 6'4'' 220. Columbus, IN (East HS) - Uncommitted /Offered
RB: 5* Brionte Dunn, 6'1'' 215. Canton, Ohio (GlenOak HS) - OSU Commit / Offered
WR: 4* Dwayne Stanford, 6'4'' 195. Cincinnati, Ohio (Taft HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
TE: 4* Devin Funchess, 6'4'' 205. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS) - COMMITTED
TE/OT: 3* AJ Williams, 6'6'' 260. Cincinnati, Ohio (Sycamore HS) - COMMITTED
OT: 4* Jordan Diamond, 6'6'' 290. Chicago, Ill (Simeon Vocational HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
OT: 4* Erik Magnuson, 6'6'' 275. Encinitas, CA (La Costa Canyon HS) - COMMITTED
OT: 4* Paul Thurston, 6'5'' 260. Arvada, CO (Arvada West HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
OT: 3* Ben Braden, 6'6'' 280. Rockford, MI (Rockford HS) - COMMITTED
OG: 3* Caleb Stacey, 6'4'' 280. Cincinnati, Ohio (Oak Hills HS) - COMMITTED
DT: 4* Ondre Pipkins, 6'3'' 320. Kansas City, MO (Park Hill HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DT: 4* Sheldon Day, 6'2'' 278. Indianapolis, IN (Warren Central HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DT: 3* Matt Godin, 6'6'' 265. Novi, MI (Catholic Central HS) - COMMITTED
DE: 4* Chris Wormley, 6'5'' 250. Toledo, Ohio (Whitmer HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DE: 5* Aldophus Washington, 6'6'' 240. Cincinnati, Ohio (Taft HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
DE: 4* Tom Strobel, 6'6'' 245. Mentor, Ohio (Mentor HS) - COMMITTED
DE: 3* Pharaoh Brown, 6'6'' 220. Lyndhurst, Ohio (Brush HS) - COMMITTED
OLB: 4* Mario Ojemudia, 6'2'' 220. Farmington Hills, MI (Harrison HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* Joe Bolden, 6'3'' 230. Cincinnati, Ohio (Colerain HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* James Ross, 6'1'' 215. Orchard Lake, MI (St. Marys HS) - COMMITTED
LB: 4* Royce Jenkins-Stone, 6'2'' 215. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS) - COMMITTED
OLB: 4* Kaleb Ringer, 6'1'' 225. Clayton, Ohio (Northmont HS) - COMMITTED
CB: 4* Terry Richardson, 5'10'' 165. Detroit, MI (Cass Tech HS) - COMMITTED
CB: 3* Anthony Standifer, 6'1'' 180. Crete, IL (Crete-Monee HS) - COMMITTED
FS: 4* Jarrod Wilson, 6'2'' 190. Akron, Ohio (Buchtel HS) - Uncommitted / Offered
SS: 3* Allen Gant, 6'2'' 205. Sylvania, Ohio (Southview HS) - COMMITTED
New Michigan Man!: CA OT Erik Magnuson
Another great day for the University of Michigan recruiting as the #34 player in the country, top 10 OT, and 4 star recruit, Erik Magnuson from La Costa Canyon HS in California has committed to be a Michigan Wolverine!
Magnuson gave out his top schools recently and Michigan was the leader so this would have been a big loss if anyone else made up ground. But now its official, Mags is commitment #16 and will be a donning the winged helmet in 2012.
Fish's reaction: This is even bigger than picking up Strobel about 30 minutes ago. Magnuson is a big (6'6'' 275lb) Offensive Tackle that brings back the "big ugly's" and could be a huge part of the offensive line for the future. Two more offensive lineman could and should be brought in this class (Jordan Diamond, Paul Thurston, Jordan Simmons). Also, just like I said with Strobel, their spots in this class are filling up VERY fast, I expect the staff to bring in a class around 25, so that leaves 9(!!) spots left, and with the pace they are going at now, it could be filled up by the end of the summer.
Images via
Magnuson gave out his top schools recently and Michigan was the leader so this would have been a big loss if anyone else made up ground. But now its official, Mags is commitment #16 and will be a donning the winged helmet in 2012.
Fish's reaction: This is even bigger than picking up Strobel about 30 minutes ago. Magnuson is a big (6'6'' 275lb) Offensive Tackle that brings back the "big ugly's" and could be a huge part of the offensive line for the future. Two more offensive lineman could and should be brought in this class (Jordan Diamond, Paul Thurston, Jordan Simmons). Also, just like I said with Strobel, their spots in this class are filling up VERY fast, I expect the staff to bring in a class around 25, so that leaves 9(!!) spots left, and with the pace they are going at now, it could be filled up by the end of the summer.
Images via
New Michigan Man!: Ohio DE Tom Strobel
Tom Strobel, a 4 Star Defensive End from Ohio has just committed to be the #15 recruit for the University of Michigan's 2012 class!
Strobel was considered a OSU lock after growing up a lifelong buckeye fan, and being from Ohio, but after all of the problems with the Suckeyes, he has now just announced on Twitter that he will be a Michigan Wolverine!
Strobel was considered a OSU lock after growing up a lifelong buckeye fan, and being from Ohio, but after all of the problems with the Suckeyes, he has now just announced on Twitter that he will be a Michigan Wolverine!
Fish's reaction : This is a GREAT pick up for Hoke and staff, especially since all of the rivals were going hard after this kid. It also makes me think that Ojemudia will for sure be a OLB. For the rest of the class, I hope to see two more DE's in class (Aldophus Washington and Chris Wormley). This commitment will also make players like Wormley and anyone else trying to land in this amazing recruiting class, hurry up their decisions to ensure their spot.
Images from
Michigan's recruiting class ranked #6 by ESPN
According to ESPN, The Michigan Wolverines have the 6th ranked recruiting class for the 2012 season. Considering the Wolverines have two ESPN 150 players (Terry Richardson and Royce Jenkins-Stone) this is a great ranking. Plus the rankings seem a bit bias because they under ranked nearly every mid-west prospect.
When comparing all the recruiting sites, only a couple players are consistent (Richardson, RJS, Ross, Bolden, Funchess and Ojemudia). I feel like they have underrated many players, even the top ranked players all over the mid-west. After their senior seasons, a lot of the Michigan recruits and targets will likely have much higher rankings. With the (hopeful) better, more realistic rankings, Michigan may end up with a class around #3 or #4, especially if Hoke has the team playing well and attracting big recruits to Ann Arbor.
Michigan recruit ESPN rankings:
When comparing all the recruiting sites, only a couple players are consistent (Richardson, RJS, Ross, Bolden, Funchess and Ojemudia). I feel like they have underrated many players, even the top ranked players all over the mid-west. After their senior seasons, a lot of the Michigan recruits and targets will likely have much higher rankings. With the (hopeful) better, more realistic rankings, Michigan may end up with a class around #3 or #4, especially if Hoke has the team playing well and attracting big recruits to Ann Arbor.
Michigan recruit ESPN rankings:
- MI Terry Richardson, CB (81 overall, 4 star)
- MI Royce Jenkins-Stone, LB (80 overall, 4 star)
- OH Joe Bolden, LB, (80 overall, 4 star)
- MI Devin Funchess, TE (80 overall, 4 star)
- MI James Ross, LB (80 overall, 4 star)
- MI Mario Ojemudia, OLB/DE (80 overall, 4 star)
- OH Pharaoh Brown, DE (79 overall, 3 star)
- MI Ben Braden, OT (79 overall, 3 star)
- MI Matt Godin, DT/SDE (78 overall, 3 star)
- OH Caleb Stacey, OG (78 overall, 3 star)
- OH Kaleb Ringer, OLB (78 overall, 3 star)
- IL Anthony Standifer, CB (77 overall, 3 star)
- OH Allen Gant, SS (75 overall, 3 star)
- OH AJ Williams, TE/OT (Un-ranked)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Reloading the Wings
With all of the uncertainties surrounding the Detroit Red Wings older players this off-season, only two answers have been provided for us Wing nuts. First, Mike Modano will not be a Red Wing next season and is expected to retire, and a couple weeks ago Brian Rafalski retired. So that leaves the Wings looking to fill the voids with the newly found cap space. Here is what I would like to see Kenny Holland do.....
1st. Re-Sign Nick Lidstrom to a one year deal. I do not think Lidstrom retires, he is still possibly the best defensemen in the entire NHL and hopefully we can work out a deal with him in which he takes a pay cut. Now I don't think that he will come back if he doesn't think the Wings are taking a run at another Cup.
In the end, Lidstrom re-signs a 1 year/$3-4 million deal, to help open up some more cap room.
2nd. Replace Jonathon Ericsson, Ruslan Salei and Brian Rafalski. Even though Ericsson showed big time improvement this year, I still do not think he is worth the money he will receive on the open market. Some team will sign him to a $3 million/year deal just because he played for Detroit. With Salei, even though he played well, I just think the Wings can get younger and better for the money. Then there is Brian Rafalski, who, out of the blue, retired. Raffy was a big piece to the Wings defense, especially on the power play, but this gives Holland the ability to infuse the team with younger and/or grittier players.
My picks, James Wisniewski and Ed Jovanovski. Wiz is a hometown boy, and his gritty and skillful play would make him easily the biggest fan favorite on the team. Also add in that he is only 26 years old, has the ability to move the puck and can play on the power play, this would be a perfect fit and he wouldn't break the bank. With Jovanovski, the Wings have some "in's" with him, including having one of his best friends on the team (Todd Bertuzzi), this may be his best chance at a cup, and the fact that he is from Windsor, he may sign a short, cheap contract to finish his career near home.
Contracts: Wisniewski- 3 years/$4 million, Jovanovski-2 years/$2.5 million
To fill the other two voids, I would look inside the franchise. Jakub Kindl and Brendan Smith both will have more than legitimate shots at two of the openings on the defense. Kindl played in 48 games and scored only 4 points, but looks to have that puck possession ability that the Wings love. Then there is Smith, who was a top pick in the 2007 draft and looks like a future star. He could really be a big surprise next season at the 7th spot in the Wings defensive line up, very similar to where Kindl was this past season.
3rd. Get a top 6 forward .With the money we have left, and the fact that we are the Detroit Red Wings, expect Holland to pull off a good move to have a top free agent forward join the cast.
My pick, Simon Gagne. Yes, he does have a head injury problem, but his skill set fits perfectly with the Wings and because of the chance he would get here, we could get him for cheaper than what he received last season in Tampa.
Contract: 3 years/$2.5 million
4th. Take care of the players already on the team. Its not a mystery that the Wings have some age on their roster, so I think its time to infuse youth and talent into the solid veterans that are still producing.
1. Tomas Holmstrom - Pavel Datsyuk -Simon Gagne
2. Johan Franzen - Henrik Zetterberg - Danny Cleary
3. Todd Bertuzzi - Valtteri Filppula -Jan Mursak
4. Justin Abdelkader - Darren Helm - Patrick Eaves
extra: Cory Emmerton and Tomas Tatar
1. Nicklas Lidstrom - Brad Stuart
2. Niklas Kronwall - James Wisniewski
3. Jakub Kindl - Ed Jovanovski
extra: Brendan Smith
1. Jimmy Howard
2. Joey MacDonald
3. Jordan Pearce
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1st. Re-Sign Nick Lidstrom to a one year deal. I do not think Lidstrom retires, he is still possibly the best defensemen in the entire NHL and hopefully we can work out a deal with him in which he takes a pay cut. Now I don't think that he will come back if he doesn't think the Wings are taking a run at another Cup.
In the end, Lidstrom re-signs a 1 year/$3-4 million deal, to help open up some more cap room.
2nd. Replace Jonathon Ericsson, Ruslan Salei and Brian Rafalski. Even though Ericsson showed big time improvement this year, I still do not think he is worth the money he will receive on the open market. Some team will sign him to a $3 million/year deal just because he played for Detroit. With Salei, even though he played well, I just think the Wings can get younger and better for the money. Then there is Brian Rafalski, who, out of the blue, retired. Raffy was a big piece to the Wings defense, especially on the power play, but this gives Holland the ability to infuse the team with younger and/or grittier players.
My picks, James Wisniewski and Ed Jovanovski. Wiz is a hometown boy, and his gritty and skillful play would make him easily the biggest fan favorite on the team. Also add in that he is only 26 years old, has the ability to move the puck and can play on the power play, this would be a perfect fit and he wouldn't break the bank. With Jovanovski, the Wings have some "in's" with him, including having one of his best friends on the team (Todd Bertuzzi), this may be his best chance at a cup, and the fact that he is from Windsor, he may sign a short, cheap contract to finish his career near home.
Contracts: Wisniewski- 3 years/$4 million, Jovanovski-2 years/$2.5 million
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Wisniewski (left) Jovanovski (right) |
3rd. Get a top 6 forward .With the money we have left, and the fact that we are the Detroit Red Wings, expect Holland to pull off a good move to have a top free agent forward join the cast.
My pick, Simon Gagne. Yes, he does have a head injury problem, but his skill set fits perfectly with the Wings and because of the chance he would get here, we could get him for cheaper than what he received last season in Tampa.
Contract: 3 years/$2.5 million
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40 pts in 63 games in 10-11, but 74 pts in 79 games in 08-09 |
- Mike Modano and Kris Draper should retire
- Give Chris Osgood a chance to at least come to camp, most likely retire.
- Jonathon Ericsson, Ruslan Salei, and Drew Miller will be free to sign elsewhere
- Patrick Eaves will be re-signed
- Trade Jiri Hudler (to whoever will take him) for prospects and cap space
- Bring up Jan Mursak, Cory Emmerton, Tomas Tatar and Jordan Pearce
1. Tomas Holmstrom - Pavel Datsyuk -Simon Gagne
2. Johan Franzen - Henrik Zetterberg - Danny Cleary
3. Todd Bertuzzi - Valtteri Filppula -Jan Mursak
4. Justin Abdelkader - Darren Helm - Patrick Eaves
extra: Cory Emmerton and Tomas Tatar
1. Nicklas Lidstrom - Brad Stuart
2. Niklas Kronwall - James Wisniewski
3. Jakub Kindl - Ed Jovanovski
extra: Brendan Smith
1. Jimmy Howard
2. Joey MacDonald
3. Jordan Pearce
images via
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